Our Services

CGS offer a wide range of garden services and maintenance works to fulfil different customer needs through out the year in the Cotswold district which includes Grass cutting, Landscaping, Hedge Maintenance, Verge Maintenance, Weed Control, Planting, Fencing and Patios.

Grass Cutting and Seeding  -  A little soil preparation and a right seed selection can give you good results for a better lawn. It is necessary to have a regular grass cut to keep your lawn thick and tidy and also using proper mowing techniques will give you an attractive lawn and improve its resistance to pests and weed.
cgs fertilizing and mulching
Fertilizing and Mulching - Fertilizer helps your lawn grow healthy and add necessary nutrients in right proportions at the right time to develop the root growth. It also helps to recover from pest damage. Mulching in your gardens helps to maintain the moisture in the soil and to reduce the soil erosion.
Landscaping is an art of converting a plot of land into a beautiful and stunning place. It is not just allowing to have some good barbeque summer evenings with your neighbours but a good landscape will also increase your property value by as much as 20 percent and optimizes the use of your land.
cgs landscaping
cgs hedge maintenance
Hedge Maintenance - A formal hedge requires a more frequent cut and a good maintenance compared to informal one. Hedges planted to serve as a garden boundary, weather and dust filter (particularly for children play area), offering privacy, to attract wildlife and also as a feature of beauty.
Weed Control - One years seeding is seven years weeding. Weeds destroy the beautiful lawns and recreation grounds by robing the valuable nutriets from the soil and also by inviting some harmful insects and diseases. This makes grass looks patchy with uneven growth and different colour to the rest of the lawn. It is important to remove the weeds to have better lawn but it is difficult to do this without damaging the existing grass.
cgs weed control
cgs shrub bed maintenance
Shrub and Bed Maintenance - It is important to maintain shrub beds to keep the shrubs healthy and to bring a pleasing appreance to your yard. It involves pruning, removing weed and litter and it also requires proper planning and designing.
Verge Maintenance - strimming the edges and borders on a regular basis is required to maintain the road safety, particularly to increase the visibility near the junctions and bends and to also to keep road signs clear. It is also important to provide a refuge for pedestrians to walk on the road, to stop the spread of weeds and to stop the encroachment of grass on to paved areas.
cgs verge maintenance
Turfing and Pruning
Turfing and Pruning - Pruning is a specialized practice of removing the dead branches from the leader to keep the plant healthy and in good shape and also to promote the development of flower and fruit. And for better pruning results you need right tools and skill. Turf not only just make your garden look beautiful but also act as a mood lifting agent, water purifier and soil stabiliser. Preparing a new lawn from scratch is easy if you pick the right turf and right time of year.
Fencing - Whether you are in a rural area or an urban area, fencing a garden is an important part of the gardening process to stop the unwanted visitors coming in. Also it is a wise thing to fence your property to secure your boundaries and to maintain the privacy. It can be either a wooden fence, hedge fence or stacked stones but it is a good idea to fence the sports grounds and landscapes to keep the livestock out.
cgs fencing
cgs patio
Patios - Patio is an important place in your yard where you can relax and enjoy the fresh breeze in a peaceful soothing atmosphere, specially after a long day of work. It is not only a place for appreciation of beauty but also where social gatherings become more enjoyable. So you need a proper gardener to have a proper patio.
Village Green Care -Village Greens should be protected and maintained properly as these are the part of our English heritage. It is important to cut and seed the grass on a regular basis, planting trees and daffodils, maintaining the fence and hedges to upkeep this greens and to have a stunning rural side.
cgs village green maintenance
cgs seasonal gardening
Seasonal Gardening - Gardening is all about doing things at the right time of the year. Different seasons need different gardening. Planting shrubs and trees, keeping weeds down, mulching and pruning in Spring. Bedding plants, watering, regular weeding, lawn mowing, sowing seeds, deadheading in Summer. Clearing up fallen leaves and collecting seed in Autumn. Tidying up the beds and preparing the garden for next year in Winter.
Other Services - CGS is also offering different other garden maintenance services including tree cutting (sub-contract), lawn mowing, litter removal from the grass cut, roadside maintenance (both rural and urban) and roundabouts maintenance throughout the year.
cgs all-round garden service and maintenance